Looking back to 2023
I know... writing a review of last year in the middle of April is not exactly ideal.. but on the other hand, it's never a bad time to reminisce. And I am absolutely sure that last year, 2023, will be UNFORGETTABLE for our family forever!

To tell you the truth, I don't even know where to start and I hope you'll forgive me if I don't manage to put the events in order... but the memories emerge and ask for a word :-)

And one of the strongest and most incredible memories is participating in the English CRUFT'S. Our kennel has achieved many successes over the past 25 years, but personal participation in the most prestigious exhibition in the world has eluded us even though we have already qualified several times. And now suddenly we were standing there. Two completely ordinary people with one extraordinary dog and an amazing handler. Already the trip to England (we took it as a honeymoon trip) and the honor of standing on the famous green carpets meant a lot to us. We never dreamed that Uličník would fulfill a dream we didn't even dare to hope for... Not only could we be there, but we WON! Uliáš WON it!! If you would like to read more about our participation, you can find the article HERE
That was one secret dream come true... and another one was coming... We planned and discussed for several years, waited for her for two years and suddenly... suddenly we were standing at the Prague airport holding our little red treasure in our arms. Zuzanka.. born in Australia, loved in the Czech Republic... From day one, she has been a rightful member of our pack, both human and canine. As if she was born here... As if she didn't have to cross half the globe to be able to run through the Czech meadows... Thank you Gayle! Thank you for the trust you have placed in our hands again after 13 years and thank you for doing us such a great honor and entrusting us with this wonderful princess... And the name... Heelersridge In Farriers Arms... Nomen omen ... <3 every time I realize what's behind it, it brings tears to my eyes... THANK YOU!!!

I must not forget the show successes of my beloved Milinka... Lallira Od Dorrinka (THANK YOU MÍŠA!!!) From the first show we attended together, she started a winning wave, from which she rarely bounced back for a worse placement than V1.. I will never forget how I entered the ring with her as a puppy at the club show in Boleslav.. She ran into the ring, stood up like a pro, wagged her tail and raised her eyes to the judge... the judge looked at her and his lips escaped just "WOW"... and I had to do something not to cry.. as if he brought out some kind of mantra over Milinka, which my "little one" has been carrying with her ever since. That same day she finished for BEST IN SHOW PUPPY. And just last year she completed the exhibition season (her first!) very successfully. From 10 (national and higher) shows, she has 4xBOB, 1x BOJ, 3x CAJC (from 3 completed shows in the junior class), 3xCACIB, 4xCAC, 2xRes.CAC. She won the title of Czech Junior Champion and Club Junior Champion. This whole incredible ride culminated on July 1. at the national show in Klatovy where Milinka won everything she could. From the participation in the junior class, the evaluation was Exc.1, CAJC, BOJ, BOB... and she continued in the finals... After the Best Of Day Junior, a huge surprise came in the form of Best In Show Junior... She has a huge credit for these results ( just like at most shows) Milinky's yard handler Petra Kolegarová... Thank you Peti, without you none of this would be possible... Just like Cruft's and just like the world class!

And with that, I actually got a taste of another incredible event... August participation in the world show in Geneva, Switzerland. We went on this trip with our "golden three" :-) it must be said, both we and the dogs are already quite tired. The pace we set this year was more than brisk.. amazing, unforgettable but very challenging.. P.S.: Thank you to all our family for the great patience they had with us... tiredness, "cooking" (it was really hot in August ), but happy... Uliáš and Péťa "danced" as only they can and danced the world champion in the veteran class... The unbelievable became reality... and do you know what was absolutely the most unforgettable? The look on his face when he came back from the ring... Did I win? I won, didn't I? I wooooon. He was so happy that we are happy. He knew it, just as he knew it at Cruft. He knew that he succeeded and that he fulfilled absolutely everything for us... not only that he became Milan's best partner, but he was able to take us where we had never been before... He is the greatest dog... not only in body, but especially in heart and in spirit... Mr. Dog <3
But not to forget the girls... Zuzanka won an amazing second place in the junior class and res.CAC and Milinka got an excellent 4 in the intermediate class. Thank you our princesses!

When I look back, I don't even know how we managed to do it all... Between these breathtaking experiences, we managed to organize the second year of our Australian Cattle Dog Day event, raise the last puppies of our beloved Arizona and find them wonderful homes... of course work , children, training, family obligations... Running a few more champions, a nomination for the next year of Cruft's, handling Uličník's C.I.B... Meeting a lot of new wonderful people and collaborators... we are very happy from such a collaboration. Those who follow us on social networks already know that our partner is the Ibero Natural brand and the krmeni.cz company team. We got the honor and became the ambassador of this brand. Thank you for your trust! Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not very good at dealing with people, I'm not very good at pushing others into something, recommending... I'm just not the type for today's advertising... but we've been looking for good pellets that would fit our whole pack for a really long time. Moreover, in a reasonable price range... when, thanks to a huge coincidence, we met Mrs. Michaela Grimm Lelková, who recommended these granules to me, patiently answered all my questions, accommodated us with all our quirks, as well as the entire team from krmeni.cz . We have tried (and use most of them) really all the products of this brand and I must say that we are very satisfied. And above all, our customers are satisfied. From pregnant women, through puppies, dogs in stress and neutered individuals and seniors... and I think that even the show successes this year show that the dogs are really in good condition. In addition, he goes to the horses with us, runs,... Everything just works with Ibero... That's why we can really represent, recommend and promote this brand with a clear conscience, because I know what I'm talking about. The ones I care about with all my heart check it out every day... and give it a 10 out of 10!

When the last puppies left and the year was coming to an end... we thought it was time to breathe, enjoy a family Christmas and remember... But that wouldn't be us :-D We saved the last unforgettable day literally at the end of the year... I can see it like it was yesterday... I'm drinking coffee from my festive Birmingham mug, reading Facebook PF and suddenly I stop at a photo of an amazing red AUO girl from an even more amazing kennel. And because I know that my dear half has been secretly craving red sheepskin for a long time, I'm copying the post just for fun and forwarding it to him on messenger... he was just out walking with the pack... all I got back was... she's amazing ? Yes, yes, I wrote them to him with a smile... but he passed me a bit after he returned home... "We're going to get her tomorrow" And so on 30.12. 2023 our pack grew with another amazing creature... Yupik Mentos Fallcat from the wonderful Švec family who have been part of my dog family for many years and I still admire their work and the time and care they devote to their breedings. THANK YOU!
If you have read this far, you have my admiration.. and my thanks for allowing me to share our joy and gratitude with you and for sharing a piece of our life with me...
2023 was a huge ride that didn't let us breathe out and often didn't even breathe in.. EVERY SECOND WAS CRAZY BUT WORTH IT! Thank you to everyone who rode with us in that express car... We couldn't have done it without you... THANK YOU!!!
For the whole Cinderella's Ranch Family
Eva Svárkovská